A man and a woman with headphones sat at the air traffic control tower desk looking out on to a runway with multiple blue aeroplanes.


  • ATCO Rating – Refresher Courses

    The primary aim of these refresher courses is to ensure that Air Traffic Control Officers (ATCOs) maintain their proficiency and stay current with the latest developments and challenges in the air traffic control sector.

  • Emergency Continuation Training

    The aim of this course is to refresh, enhance, and standardise Air Traffic Control Officers’ (ATCOs) knowledge and skills in managing unusual, degraded, and emergency situations.

  • ICAO 051 ATC Basic Course

    The aim of the course is to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed for a career in air traffic control.

  • ICAO 052 Aerodrome Control Course

    The aim of the course is to prepare Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) for the specific challenges associated with aerodrome control. This course focuses on the management of air traffic on the runway and within the immediate airspace of an airfield.

  • ICAO 053 Approach Procedural (APP)

    The aim of the course is to equip Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) with the expertise needed to manage aircraft operations in environments where radar surveillance is unavailable.

  • ICAO 054 Approach Surveillance (APS)

    The aim of the course is to prepare Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) to effectively manage the critical phase of flight as aircraft approach for landing.

  • ICAO 054 Area Surveillance (ACS)

    The objective of the course is to equip Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) with the skills needed to oversee aircraft throughout their flight within controlled airspace, using surveillance technologies.

  • ICAO 055 Area Procedural (ACP)

    The aim of the (ACP) Course is to prepare Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) for procedural control in area control settings, where radar is not used.

  • Low Visibility Operations

    The aim of this course is to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills required to effectively manage and operate during low visibility conditions.

Air Traffic Control Training Courses

Air Traffic Control
Train-the-Trainer Courses

Operations Courses


ATSEP Training Courses

Aviation English Language Training

General Aviation Courses