Duration: 5 Days
Many controllers in the current automation era, both in the air and on the ground, go through long periods without ever having to handle any traffic situation which presents anything out of the ordinary. While this trend of increased safety for the flying public is most welcome, it does point out the need for the controller to be kept in practice in dealing with any situation which may arise so that when something unusual occurs safety is not impaired.
To be better prepared to support aircraft in distress, it is important for ATCOs to understand the general ways in which flight crews can be expected to react in various emergency situations. It is therefore appropriate that ATCs become familiar with flight crew emergency response actions on the flight deck. One of the aims of this manual, therefore, is to provide an effective knowledge of flight crew emergency procedures and, thus, establish a foundation for cooperative and effective interaction between ATCs and flight crews during in-flight emergencies.
Course Aim
The aim of this course is to refresh, enhance, and standardise Air Traffic Control Officers’ (ATCOs) knowledge and skills in managing unusual, degraded, and emergency situations.
Graduates will:
Refresh Core Skills, update their understanding of procedures and techniques for handling atypical and challenging scenarios.
Enhance Response Capabilities, develop advanced skills to effectively manage and respond to emergency situations and degraded operations.
Standardise Practices, ensure a consistent level of awareness and preparedness across all ATCOs, maintaining high standards in emergency and unusual situation management.
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